Completed Jobs by WWHES personnel
include but not limited to:
BBC Energy Center – 18 Plate Heat Exchangers in Total –Alfa Laval – Sondex - Tranter
Kings X Energy Center - 2 x APV 050 PHEs – clean and regasket on site
FPSO Sea Eagle – Sondex S100 Refurbishment – offshore Nigeria
Scotland Biomass plant – Sondex S81 – 445 plate unit – refurbish
Barcelona Dry Docks – Cleaning and Regasketing of 6 Sondex S120 PHEs on board Royal Mega -Yacht
Technip G1200 Ship- Rotterdam Dry Docks- 4 x Sondex S81, 4 x Sondex S43 and 6 Sonmdex S41 Plate Heat Exchangers
In effect WWHES personnel over the past 10 years have cleaned, serviced, regasketed, assembled and maintained in excess of 9000 Plate Heat Exchangers and will never leave a site until the job is completed.